Intro to Detox Program: A Path to Renewed Health and Vitality

Welcome to Tabeer Care’s “Intro to Detox” Program, a specially designed, medically-supervised cleansing regimen that promises to rejuvenate your body and mind. Whether you’re looking to boost your immune system, jump-start weight loss, or simply achieve mental clarity, our detox program is the perfect solution. This program, conducted at an amazing retreat owned by a global leader in holistic medical wellness, offers both 3-day and 4-day options, catering to your specific needs and schedule.


Is the Intro to Detox Program A Right Fit for You?

Our detox program is ideal for individuals feeling the effects of modern lifestyle stressors—poor diet, lack of exercise, and environmental toxins. If you experience fatigue, weight gain, skin issues, or mental fog, this program is tailored for you. It’s also an excellent starting point for those new to detoxification or looking for a milder cleanse before committing to longer, more intensive programs.

Benefits of the Intro to Detox Program

Participants of the Intro to Detox Program can expect numerous health benefits, including:

  • Boosting Your Immune System: Enhance your body’s natural defenses against illnesses.
  • Jump-Starting Weight Loss: Begin your journey towards a healthier weight.
  • Promoting Clear, Beautiful Skin: Achieve a radiant complexion.
  • Regaining Youthful Energy: Experience increased vitality and stamina.

Achieving Mental Clarity: Enjoy improved focus and mental sharpness.

Take a step towards your wellbeing by booking now!

Program Overview

The Intro to Detox Program is meticulously crafted to eliminate toxins from the body and mind while providing optimal nutrition. It includes a vegan diet, nutritional enrichment, colon and kidney cleansing, psycho-emotional clearing, and daily mindful movement and fitness activities.

Key Components of the Program

  1. Nutrient-Rich Organic Vegan Meals and Beverages
    • Enjoy three-course plant-based meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, along with antioxidant-rich juices. These meals have a low glycemic index and no added sugars, ensuring optimal body function.
  2. Holistic Health Consultation
    • Engage in a health-oriented conversation with our integrative doctor to explore your well-being, addressing physical, psycho-emotional, and spiritual aspects based on the Review of Systems or Symptoms Analysis.
  3. Nutritional Assessment
    • Assess your weight, body fat, muscle mass, bone mass, metabolic age, Body Mass Index (BMI), and more, with guidance from our nutritionist to sustainably achieve your health and nutritional goals.
    • Results will be used to assess your overall nutritional condition and our nutritionist will be able to provide guidance on how to sustainably achieve your health and nutritional goals.
  4. Fitness Assessment
    • Evaluate your aerobic fitness, muscular strength, endurance, flexibility, and body composition with our certified fitness professionals in a holistic approach to achieve your fitness goals.
  5. Cellular Health Screening
    • Gain insights into your health status through live blood analysis, identifying possible nutritional deficiencies and toxicities.
    • The blood is a very special part of the human body, it transports substances that stir a person’s feelings and consciousness more than any other bodily fluid. It is an educational experience-based tour through visual appreciation of one’s overall health status through the quality of the red and white blood cells. It gives a glimpse of what’s happening inside the body and as well as information on possible nutritional deficiencies and toxicities, it is based on the foundations of histology (study of cells) and hematology (study of blood). It can show manifestations of inflammation, oxidative stress and internal organ imbalance.
  6. Colon Hydrotherapy – Colema™
    • Undergo a cleansing enema with a warm coffee or chamomile solution to clear waste materials and assist in detoxification.
    • The first step is to do a ColemaTM Cleansing Enema that cleans up the lower part of the colon flushed with a warm solution of either coffee or chamomile tea to help clear waste materials and assists in the detoxification process.
  7. Rectal Infusion Therapy – Wheatgrass
    • Nourish your colon with organic wheatgrass or Aloe, infused rectally for enhanced detoxification.
  8. Kidney Cleansing
    • Utilize a diuretic bath tub, dry brushing, and activated charcoal wrap to support kidney detoxification and reduce fatigue.
    • The specially formulated preparation uses natural ingredients to remove the same toxins from the body that the kidneys have the function of removing, hence decreasing the fatigue of the kidneys. The organic mixture is thickly applied over the entire body and extracts toxins from the tissues through the skin.
  9. Infrared Bioresonance Therapy – Vital Dome®
    • Experience the benefits of far infrared technology for detoxification, relaxation, pain relief, weight management, and more.
    • The Vital Dome® uses far infrared technology to uniformly raise the internal temperature of the body for a number of benefits such as detoxification, relaxation, pain relief, weight management, sleep induction and conditioning among the others. Far infrared rays are naturally present at sunrise and sunset and are perfectly compatible with the body when they penetrate deep into the tissues. They emit the ideal energy to stimulate at the cellular level and promote natural regenerative processes that are vital and beneficial to the body.
  10. Sustainable Healthy Lifestyle Discussion
    • Develop a sustainable health plan with our doctor, tailored to your individual needs and lifestyle. To ensure sustainability after you leave the program, taking into consideration your consultation, environment, and current lifestyle.

Complimentary Activities at the Retreat. Healthy Fun!

To enhance your detox experience, we offer various complimentary activities:

  • Yoga Sessions: Practice different styles of yoga to balance mind, body, and spirit. Incorporate guided meditation to maintain holistic wellness.
  • Functional Fitness: Engage in exercises that prepare you for everyday activities, enhancing overall strength and flexibility.
  • Mandala Flower Meditation: Boost creativity through this calming form of art therapy, focusing on floral arrangements.
  • Nature Walking: Enjoy guided walks, ranging from 4.7KM to 6KM, to energize and connect with nature.
  • Interactive Wellness Workshops: Participate in art therapy, eye exercises for improved vision, and sound healing sessions.
  • Sound Healing: Use vibrations from gongs, Tibetan singing bowls, and tuning forks to relax the body and mind, potentially relieving ailments such as pain, anxiety, and insomnia.


We prioritize your wellness!

The Intro to Detox Program at Tabeer Care is more than just a cleanse; it’s a comprehensive approach to health and wellness. By eliminating toxins and providing optimal nutrition, our program helps you achieve a renewed sense of vitality and well-being. Whether you’re looking to boost your immune system, achieve mental clarity, or simply feel better overall, our program offers the perfect start.

For more information or to book your spot in the Intro to Detox Program, contact Tabeer Care today. Rejuvenate your body and mind with us and embark on a journey towards better health, with an absolute guarantee of safety and quality.

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